I fulfilled my Childhood Dream in Paris, France!

Kenneth Choo
4 min readNov 8, 2017


My biggest takeaway from this Paris 🇫🇷 trip is that I had the chance to fulfill my childhood dream of being a professional photographer.

We were on our way to capture the best view of the Eiffel Tower and as we were walking there, a new friend that I knew on this trip approached me and ask if I could help her to take photo of her. It was very random and normally I will reject but I took up the challenge. I do not know where I got the confidence from 😁 to do this.

As the angle wasn’t nice while standing or even sitting down, I lie down to take the shot hehehe at the same time, the sun was so glaring also that I just go with the feel while snapping.

It wasn’t a easy shot as it was very crowded and there were people walking constantly. I tried my best to capture the shot without much crowd and at the same time also giving instruction to Lo Yeng for poses. It was a great experience and I am glad that the photos came out well. Although my skills wasn’t that professional.

I realize that I got lots of photos sent to me by my friends and her friends are photos of me lying down looking so professional 😁😂

I was born in a family where our family business was into Photography. We used to run photo studios where customers will come and develop their film negative into photographs.

Although my dad didn’t take over the business, I was constantly going down to the photo studio especially during the school holidays to help out to work part time to earn some allowance since young. I served customers who came to buy film and I also learn how to process the films using the machines, cutting of films negative…. And etc. It was a great experience growing up doing all these until when digital photography came in and disrupted the whole photography industry especially the analogue photography. Slowly our family business faded into the scene and vanished.

The disruption came so fast that in just about 2 years, everything was digital photography.

As you can see from the chart that all photos triple after digital photography came in and analogue dropped 20 times. Although it show that it took 10 years but the plunge is so powerful that most photo studios closed down within the 1st 2 years.

So I understand how disruption can cause many to lose jobs but at the same time it also created a lot of new jobs. And now with a simple smartphone, we can take amazing photos and there are millions or billions of photographs being distributed around the Internet!

With this experience, I tell myself that I have to keep learning new skills that can prepare myself for the future.

Remember “Change is Constant!”



Kenneth Choo

🔸Web3 Changepreneur championing Women to be Changemakers & helps businesses to promote their products & service via Web 3.0 & NFT🔸TEDx speaker